Monday, April 27, 2015

Monthly Blog Assignment April: The Big Red One is Coming

 Hello, everyone. Benny here. Similar to my previous monthly posts, I'll be going over my initial thoughts and observations from whatever specific events(s) I came across. This month's post is pretty much about a question that I usually ask people to define. Once again, if you want a more descriptive paragraph about my mentorship duties, please refer to my Mentorship Log. Other than that, let's get started.

Well in a couple of days, Planes of Fame Air Museum is going to have its annual airshow. 30,000 guests estimate, millions of dollars of planes, history living in front of you, one of a kind planes taking flight, and I'm somewhere in the middle of it all.

Am I nervous? Maybe. But I'm pretty excited to get to see dozens of historical planes all fly up at the exact same time. Heck yeah. Museums are fine and all I've seen many of them, but when a museum does something as grand as this, the things you can find are incredible and in the moments you experience, you know that this Planes of Fame is no ordinary museum. Plus, I get to see some of the planes I worked on fly.

Got my volunteer shirt. Need some sunblock and a fully charged phone.

Enough blogging. Let's do this.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Independent Component 2

(a) Include this statement: “I, Benedict Paz, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31 hours of work.”

I, Benedict Paz, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31 hours and 50 minutes of work.

(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.

My fellow volunteers for giving me the idea and encouragement to do this project.
The Endeavor Volunteers for helping work on the project.
Mrs. Stephanie for allowing me to do the project.

(c) Update your Independent Component 2 Log (which should be under your Senior Project Hours link)

It has been updated.

(d) Explain what you completed.    

This project is still ongoing, but the project was to help the experience of other volunteers and to gain some insight into their thoughts. The idea of this project was to help create an answer to my EQ. The work that I have done has led me to my Answer 3, A volunteer program that allows its volunteers to utilize their individual skills. This was formed from my experiences talking with my fellow volunteers. Though they come from all walks of life, their variety of reasons for volunteering at the California Science Center and what differentiates them from a paid employee has a notable effect on the experience of a visitor. Currently, I am working on a project to acquire information for tablets allocated for the Endeavor Volunteers at the request of both Mrs. Stephanie and the Endeavor Volunteers. Doing this is a way of helping the volunteers at the Endeavor exhibit who feel that they aren't able to utilize the resources allocated to them by the museum to help the visitors.

Defend your work and explain the component's significance and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   
Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work. 

Some of my work, such as the notes I took with fellow volunteers and my initial research have already been submitted and I no longer have access to them. Here are some of the pictures I was able to take:

Notes I took of the various sites I researched

Notes I took of the various sites I researched

A volunteer party organized by Mrs. Mayra (shown above) was one of many opportunities I had to talk to volunteers.
One of the apps requested by the Endeavor volunteers to be put into the tablets.

How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped. 

Independent Component 2 helped reaffirm my thoughts I had about my Finding 3,
. By using my temporary freedom from my normal duties, I was able to make connections with volunteers outside my work zone and to gain some thoughts and insight as to why they choose to work at their respective zones and why they are happy to work. This goes with the idea, that by allowing a volunteer to work where their skills are best suited, it would give them more incentive to work which in turn, benefits the visitors' experience.